Mission: To be a growing, profitable, regional based manufacturer and supplier of specialized products for the hay processing, agricultural and general engineering sectors.
Market driven, we provide competitive products which are highly functional, cost effective, and durable in use, providing long term performance, and that show a responsible awareness in not harming the environment in their manufacture.
Our aims will be achieved by:
Business Ethics: Developing a commitment to the development of long term ethical business relationships and an understanding of minimizing any possible impacting environment issues.
Employee Commitment: Provide and encourage loyalty through safe, secure, rewarding work environment by way of open communication and a balanced empathy.
Customer Service: By our performance which will reflect a high commitment to awareness of the customers’ needs and understanding the role we play in their own business performance and success.
Product Development: By continually striving to improve product design and performance and to enthusiastically pursue new opportunities.
Quality Assurance: Recognizing that quality is an attitude and an individual responsibility that encompasses every activity within the company and providing the QA tools to aid in that process.
The Future: Positively and continually aim to be a leader in our specialized product range.